How it all started...

Christ Community Church of Gridley is a non-denominational church with a rich heritage originating from the two oldest churches in Gridley, the Union Congregational Church and the United Methodist Church (1862). The two congregations merged in 1981 becoming First United Church of Gridley and moved into the present building in 1983. The church expanded facilities in 2003 to include a family center, classrooms, kitchen, and offices.

In January of 2006, the congregation voted to discontinue affiliation with both the United Church of Christ and the United Methodist Church, and in 2015, First United Church changed its name to become Christ Community Church of Gridley to more accurately reflect a non-denominational identity. Although we now function as an independent community church, we work in cooperation with area churches for the sake of the gospel.

Multiplication  >  Addition

Beginning in 2013, our church spent over a year going through the book of Acts. In Acts, it’s clear that God’s mission for the church is to go out to all nations with the Good News of Jesus. As we were seeing the expansion of the early Church in Acts, our own church was growing numerically here in Gridley, primarily with folks from neighboring communities. This addition of people to the church was good, but Acts was showing us all that multiplication is better.

Christ Community Church of Chenoa

By the end of 2015 we had identified a lead church planter and a team was beginning to form of believers at CCC-Gridley who were compelled to see a community centered, Bible preaching church near their home. As the church family prayed for direction in this effort to multiply, representatives from First Presbyterian Church in Chenoa contacted the pastors at Christ Community in the Spring of 2016 and began talking about how to work together to see a fresh Gospel work in Chenoa. The Chenoa Presbyterian Church had a building, but few people. We had people, but no building to meet in. After a series of conversations, and a “dating phase,” the Chenoa Presbyterian Church “sold” their building to Christ Community Church  for $1.00 and Christ Community Church of Chenoa was born with a group of 30-40 folks from CCC Gridley and about 15 from the Presbyterian group. Since that time, the church family in Chenoa has continued to gel as one, and the church has grown. We are thankful that God has blessed the work in Chenoa and that in November of 2019, Christ Community Church of Chenoa commissioned local elders to lead and that the Chenoa Church was able to become completely autonomous from the sending Church in Gridley at the start of 2020.

Redeemer Community Church of Minonk

In 2014, group of area pastors began meeting to specifically pray and discuss church planting in neighboring small towns. Over time, friendships and trust were built and by 2018, a partnership had been formed between three churches to plant a new church in Minonk. We were able to partner with Community Bible Fellowship in El Paso and Crosspoint Church in Eureka to send pastor Erik Johnson (Asssociate Pastor at Crosspoint) and a team of people to begin Redeemer Community Church in Minonk. Each of the three partnering churches got to experience the joy of praying over and sending out members and resources to the new work in Minonk. Together, Crosspoint, Community Bible Fellowship, and Christ Community Church of Gridley continue to support, oversee, and encourage the new work of Redeemer Community Church in Minonk.

Future Vision

We hope to continue partnering with other churches to plant healthy churches, particularly in rural communities as well as continuing to encourage people in the CCC family to join church plant teams. It’s also a priority to give pastoral opportunities, ongoing education, and mentorship to individuals identified within the congregation who evidence a calling to pastor and church plant.  While numerical addition in the church is a joy, our priority and aim is to be a church who multiplies churches by sending out our resources and encouraging people to step out to broader works in the Kingdom of God.

Be a part of His story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 9:30 am