Little Lambs Preschool

Little Lambs Preschool of Christ Community Church
exists to support families in the growth and development of children ages 3-5. Attention is placed on all aspects of child development.  This includes learning and development in the areas of:

Spiritual Growth
Physical/Motor Development
Cognitive Development
Social/Emotional Development

Emphasis is placed on teaching children from a Christian Biblical worldview perspective.  Learning takes place through a variety of play and teaching experiences that are developmentally appropriate and Christ-centered.


Questions? Contact our Little Lambs director, Mandy Fehr at (815) 848-3107.‬

Little Lambs opens on the first Tuesday following Labor Day and follows the
El Paso Gridley school system schedule.  Holidays and vacations coincide with the school calendar.

4 Year Old class meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:30-11:30 am
3 Year Old class meets Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30-11:30 am


In order to enroll your child, please provide a completed enrollment form, signed consent form, signed handbook form, physical exam form, and a copy of their birth certificate.

Once forms are completed, please drop them off at the Christ Community Church Office.

Questions? Contact Mandy Fehr,