"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..."

Matthew 28:19

Global Missions at CCC

It is the great privilege of the Church to testify to the grace of God in Jesus Christ as we seek to promote the Gospel to all nations in word and deed.

The spread of the Gospel is the unique and central calling of the Church, therefore Christ Community seeks to preach, teach, and allocate resources to this end.  

The Missions Team oversees our partnerships with missionaries around the globe as well as seeks to offer intentional ways for the congregation to be informed of global mission efforts.

Missions Initiatives at Christ Community


Missions Budget

Scholarships for individuals who wish to take the Perspectives in World Missions course.

A commitment to allocate a minimum of 12% of the total operating budget to the Missions Team to use to support missionaries.

Equipping the Church

Surplus Giving

Intentional education of our children about global missions through V.B.S., Sunday School, Jr. & Sr. High Youth Groups, Children’s Church, and Little Lambs Preschool.

A commitment to give money that is received in surplus of the annual budget to ministries both local and global. Past recipients of surplus giving include: Lifesong for Orphans, Churches Helping Churches, Heart to Heart Counseling, and Midwest Food Bank.

Missions Policy

We aim to be a church who deliberately seeks to spread the Good News among all peoples of the earth and consequently, “Beautiful Feet” is one of the five Core Values at Christ Community.  It is our continual prayer that the Lord will raise up missionaries from Christ Community to participate in the global enterprise of the making disciples of all nations